You have something to say about life, love, friends, politics, experience, carrier, sport, world and many other things. We give you an incredibly easy way to do this and share it on social networks.
An Interviewer Mobile App
You have seen something similar in the "Esquire" magazine. But there you read the interviews with top celebrities from all over the world. Credo is an interview with each of us who has a voice and a desire to speak out.
The app has more than 100 templates like "When I was…", "Sometimes…", "Most of all in the world…", etc., so that it will be easier for you to decide what to tell the world.
Would you like to tell about your "rules of life"?
1. Use our templates
Пиши о том, что тебя волнует. Если хочешь, можешь не придерживаться заготовленных шаблонов.
2. Add a name of interview and upload your photo
Придумай заголовок, затем сделай селфи или добавь любимое фото.
3. Share it!
Поделись в VK, Faccebook, Instagram или отправь свои правила жизни другу в мессенджер.